Tag: Bitcoin
60% of Digital Products Consumers Expect to Trade NFTs in the...
"NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as people look for alternatives to traditional asset classes," explained CryptoMonday CEO Jonathan Merry. He added, "They offer investors...
Bitcoin has been gaining slightly over the past week. He was guided...
Bitcoin, the oldest and most widely used cryptocurrency, has approached the $25,000 mark several times in the past week. It has gained about 6.5 percent...
Number of Americans Investing in Stocks Has Risen to Stand at...
The percentage of consumer stock ownership is calculated based on a question that asks individuals whether they own any individual equities or mutual funds...
Crypto Mining Stocks Are on the Recovery Path as Major Players...
According to CryptoMonday CEO Jonathan Merry, "The recovery in crypto mining stocks is attributed to the surge in cryptocurrency prices. With Bitcoin's price on...
Bitcoin Mixer’s Usage Touches a New High of $800M in Q2...
Speaking on the report, StockApps’ Edith Reads said that mixers have high adoption for a reason. "Mixers or tumblers are devices that create a...
Global Downloads of Fintech Apps Exceeded 6.1 Billion in 2021
Analysts from TradingPlatforms link the growth to COVID-19 and increased adoption of smartphones. "COVID-19 saw movements restricted, and physical transactions became impossible. Therefore, several...
Fiat Money System’s C02 Footprint 4X that of Bitcoin
"It's true that Bitcoin mining uses a lot of energy and produces significant amounts of waste," says TradingPlatforms' Edith Reads. She adds, "But it's also...
Tesla Expected to Report $440M Impairment on its Bitcoin Stock
According to StockApps financial analyst Edith Reads, “Tesla isn't the only one feeling the pain from the Bitcoin crash. Several companies that have converted...
Is Bitcoin Rising From The Dead? The largest cryptocurrency exchange has...
Bitcoin, after several weeks of almost constant decline, may find itself at the point where its price trend is reversing. During the past week,...
Another blow for Bitcoin. The oldest cryptocurrency weakened below 19 thousand dollars
The most widespread and oldest digital currency Bitcoin is heading for the lowest values since November 2020. On the last day of June, it traded...