Imports of Chinese aluminum into the European Union will be subject to customs duties. Officials from the European Commission found that the price at which the metal was imported into the Union did not comply with the competition rules and was set unfairly low.
A duty ranging from 21.2 to 31.2 percent will be imposed on Chinese aluminum imported into the European Union. The tariff will cover aluminum imported from China in the form of plates, profiles, or tubes. The definitive duty rate is lower than the provisional duty imposed on Chinese aluminum during the investigation of the suspected unfair low price.
The European Commission’s decision on tariffs is the result of more than a year of inquiries into the case, which began in February 2020. The Commission has acted on the initiative of European Aluminum, an association of European aluminum producers who have complained about the suspiciously low prices at which aluminum is imported into the European Union. Its members are Norsk Hydro, Rio Tinto, and Alcoa.
The duty of 21.2 percent will be imposed on aluminum supplied by the Chinese companies Guangdong Haomei New Materials and Guangdong King Metal Light Alloy Technology. Press Metal International will face a 25 percent duty. other cooperating companies will be subject to tariffs ranging from 22.1 to 32.1 percent. The Chinese Metal Manufacturers Association said complaints from European aluminum producers were unfounded.