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We are working every day to stop taking Russian gas, from...

In recent weeks, Germany has faced criticism from other EU countries for not being clear on the issue of disconnecting from Russian gas. Now, however,...

Germany to step up efforts to reduce energy dependence on Russia

The Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, is convinced that Germany needs to strengthen the security of energy supply. Measures that will lead to...

The European Union’s economy grew by five percent last year. But...

The European Union and eurozone economies grew by 5.2 percent last year. But last quarter's data suggest that Europe's largest economy is on the brink...

Germany must cut energy consumption by up to a quarter to...

Germany will face a huge challenge to meet its 2030 climate targets. On Tuesday, federal Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck made the...

Nord Stream 2 could supply gas in the middle of the...

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline became part of the psychological war between Russia and the West. Although it has been ready to supply gas since...

Germany is planning huge tax breaks starting in 2023. They will...

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to significantly relieve the Germans of taxes from next year. Measures, which will save individuals and small and medium-sized...

The Jamal gas pipeline stopped supplying Russian gas to Germany. And...

On Tuesday, Russian natural gas stopped flowing to Germany via the Yamal pipeline. Deliveries began to stalle over the weekend, when the pipeline supplied only...

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline will not be launched until the...

No decisions will be made on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the first half of 2022. This was stated on Thursday by Jochen Homann, president of the German transmission system regulator Bundesnetzagentur.

The head of the Volkswagen is afraid of launching the German...

Herbert Diess, CEO of the Volkswagen Group, found himself between two millstones. On the one hand, he is aware that without a profound transformation, the...

Germany’s business climate is in worse for the fourth month in...

Persistent supply chain problems as well as more expensive inputs. These are the main causes of the further deterioration of the business climate in Germany. The...