Japan will also expand its nuclear resources on its path to carbon neutrality


Japan wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent by the end of this decade compared to 2013. And by the middle of the century, it wants to become a carbon-neutral country. Nuclear energy can also help him in this.

Carbon neutrality by 2050 and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by almost half compared to 2013. These are the goals set by the new Japanese Minister of Industry Koichi Hagiuda at his first press conference. The planned reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is thus almost double the original target.

The development of renewable energy sources, but also the core, is to help the Japan. “I want to give maximum support to the introduction of renewable energy sources, as well as the restart and expansion of nuclear power plants with an absolute priority on their safety,” said Hagiuda.

The new Japanese Minister of Industry has confirmed that the new government intends to continue the energy concept of the previous cabinet. In the field of nuclear energy, Hagiuda also intends to focus on reducing the volume of highly radioactive nuclear waste, following the consequences of the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which occurred ten years ago.


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