Original tips on how to gift money for birthdays, weddings and other occasions

Tips on gift giving

There is a variety of gifts, but often the best way to give gifts is with money. Because you don’t want to appear trite, it’s not enough to put the desired amount in an envelope or box.

In this case, the question arises how to give money as an original gift, because you always want to surprise and delight the birthday boy with an unusual presentation. Traditionally, people are divided into those who believe that a monetary gift is a manifestation of disrespect, because it acts as an effort to buy favor or as an unwillingness to spend time shopping.

Others sensibly note that the amount can buy exactly what one needs. We will not touch on the question of the appropriateness of such gifts, but consider a scenario in which the decision is already made that money is an appropriate gift. So how to gift it in an original and unusual way? Why is money a good gift?

Overview of the article:

Why is money a good and sometimes the only right gift?

✅ The recipient can use it for anything and buy exactly what he needs. The next little thing or inappropriate thing he gives to someone else or it gets dusty on the shelf and the impression of the gift is spoiled. A monetary gift expresses respect for the wishes of the recipient and gives him freedom of choice.

✅ Money can help the giftee solve financial problems or achieve certain goals, such as paying bills or buying needed items. Perhaps your friend has long wished to take a course and is saving for it, or is having financial difficulties but you don’t know it. In that case, a monetary gift will please more than a carefully chosen perfume or accessory.

✅ If you do not know the interests of the recipient well enough, money will be the best choice. In any case, you will spend the money, but whether your surprise, which is chosen without regard to wishes, will please is the question. And money pleases everyone.

Even if the gift consists only of money, a careful approach to its presentation will express sincere care and attention to the donee. Just engage your imagination or use ready-made ideas from our article.

gift money


tips on gifts

money as a present

We recommend for further reading: Building Tomorrow’s Wealth Today

So how to donate money?

What to gift?

In balloons

There are several ways to present a gift creatively:

✅ Put banknotes of different denominations in balloons and fill them with helium. It is better to choose transparent balloons so that you can see what is in them. If you fill the room with such balloons, the gift will be very impressive.

✅ Attach notes to strings and attach them to the helium balloons so that they appear to “fly”. Place the balloons themselves in a large box. When the giftee opens the box, the balloons with the money will fly out. This adds to the magnificence of the gift.

✅ Fill the balloons with banknotes and coloured confetti. Then hide them around the room and organize a quest for the recipient that ends with a pleasant surprise when he finds each balloon. You can replace the confetti with messages of wishes.

Another option is to give opaque balloons and hand the birthday boy a needle to pierce them. Imagine his surprise when the messages fall out of the balloons.

gift money


tips on gifts

money as a present

Under glass

For a creative gift, place money under glass: buy a beautiful frame and create a “money picture”. The money can be arranged abstractly or in any suitable shape, such as a heart.

Complete the gift with a hammer to break the glass, decorate it with decorative elements (pebbles, shells, dried flowers) or add photos – it’s a unique way to combine finances and personal memories. Leave a funny or touching inscription and give the gift to the birthday boy or girl.

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In a bouquet

Flowers fade, but money doesn’t, which is why a bouquet with money can be one gift option. Twist banknotes into the shape of flowers and make an arrangement. You can use green ribbons and wires to create the effect of stems. It will be beautiful and original. Such bouquets can also be ordered online.

Another option is a money tree. Take a flower pot, fill it with foam or beautiful stones. The trunk can be made of skewers and the branches can be made of wire. Attach twisted banknotes to them.

gift money


tips on gifts

money as a present

In a candy box

You can surprise your sweet tooth with an unusual box of sweets. Choose the birthday boy’s favourite sweets, but instead of sweets, put folded banknotes in the box. To keep the weight of the box from being suspiciously low, fill it with coins.

Close the box, tie a beautiful ribbon over it and congratulate!


This gift is more suitable for women. Each note should be folded into an accordion and tied in the middle, two such bows will form a spherical flower. Then take a beautiful ribbon and use thread to tie the flowers to it one by one until you have a real garland.

You can alternate the money flowers with other decorations. Finally, tie the ribbon together to form a kind of beads. For such a garland it is better to alternate smaller notes and different denominations, it will look more colourful, fresh and festive.

Plush toy

If you can not think of an original way to give the girl money, then one of the most interesting options will be to hide it in a plush toy. Many toys now have a built-in inner pocket in which to put the correct amount of money, and some combine the function of a plush toy and a wallet.

Such a one can then be used by the girl for its intended purpose. Put the money inside and hint to her that there is another surprise in the toy.

Below are collected other interesting and original ideas for the design of a money gift, surely you will like at least one of them. When giving a gift, remember that the main thing is always your attention.

Sending money easily? Read more on that here: Wise – an overview of international money transfers

The main thing is not to overdo it, or in what form it is better not to give money as a gift

If you are thinking “how to give money as an original gift”, you should know how NOT to give it:

❗️Avoid too complex puzzles. Although the idea of giving a gift in the form of a puzzle may seem fun, it is important not to overdo it. Difficulty opening the gift can cause irritation instead of joy.

❗️Don’t give overly large gifts in public. A large amount can put the gift recipient in an uncomfortable situation, especially if in public. So if you want to give such a gift, it is better to choose a more appropriate moment.

❗️Avoid inappropriate jokes. Gifts containing money should be given with respect and dignity.

gift money


tips on gifts

money as a present

❗️Do not use damaged banknotes. Damaged, dirty or old banknotes give the impression that you are inconsiderate and disrespectful to the recipient.

❗️Do not make a monetary gift a commitment to any action. It is important that the monetary gift does not appear to be an attempt to influence the decision or action of the donee. If you are already giving money, give it without expectations or conditions.

Giving money can be as personal and creative as any other gift. The key is to take the time and effort to create a memorable experience that reflects the relationship and personality of the donee. An original presentation of a monetary gift can bring joy and surprise, avoiding the stereotypes of conventional money giving. Thinking about the details and personalizing the gift shows that you care about the donee. Whatever the occasion – birthday, wedding or other significant event – a creative and thoughtful way of giving money can leave a lasting impression. In conclusion, giving money can be an experience in itself that brings not only financial support, but also joy and appreciation to the recipient.


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