Germany is planning more stringent measures to meet its renewable energy targets

green energy

The federal government is preparing stricter controls and measures to ensure sufficient expansion of renewable energy sources. For example, there are quotas for solar or wind energy, the fulfillment of which will be regularly checked in all sixteen federal states.

However, the proposed plan, which may still change, includes ambitious targets in the energy mix. “Not only do we want to produce 80 percent of our electricity from renewable sources by 2050, but we also want to achieve climate neutrality. This means that one hundred percent of the electricity produced in Germany will also be consumed in Germany,said Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs. According to him, this is a change in the whole paradigm.

The plan also provides for a regular review of the achievement of the set objectives, at least once every two years. Germany wants to be sure that as early as 2030, almost two-thirds of electricity will come from the sun, wind or biomass. Altmaier wants to agree on this plan during October. Germany currently has a capacity of 118 gigawatts installed from renewable sources. The capacity of wind sources is to increase by at least 4 gigawatts per year.


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