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India’s Adani faces allegations that it manipulated the share price of...

Indian conglomerate Adani is facing a new controversy. A report released today by the investigative group OCCRP says the group used funds to circumvent...

India is preparing a huge support for the production of green...

The Indian government is preparing a program to support the production of green hydrogen. The production costs of green hydrogen are thus to be reduced...

New Economic Superpower Arising. India strives not only to become the...

He is known for numerous erudite posts and comments related to the trading world of stocks, commodities, forex and various derivatives. Syam K.P. is...

India has the Highest Number of Crypto Owners, but Nigeria is...

In 2022, cryptocurrency is expected to account for almost $35bn worth of transactions worldwide, up 6.7% from $32.5bn a year ago. More than half...

China’s Manufacturing Output Surged by 322% in Two Decades, 6x the...

According to data presented by TradingPlatforms.com, China's manufacturing output surged by 322% in the last two decades, six times the US growth. China's Share of Global...

India limits rice exports. He is worried about food shortages and...

The scanty monsoon rains in India have resulted in a poorer rice crop. The world's second most populous country has therefore resorted to drastic...

Climate change could have devastating effects on world GDP

Unless the world addresses both the impacts and the prevention of climate change, the global economy will lose about four percent of its gross...

Australia and India signed a free trade treaty

The trade deal between Australia and India will see the removal of tariffs on more than 85 per cent of goods flowing from Australia...

Russia turns to India while looking for investments into the mining...

The departure of one western company after another has forced the Russian Federation to seek a replacement for foreign investment. Russia intends to strengthen its...

India unveils an ambitious plan of green hydrogen production

Hydrogen is probably the strategic energy commodity of the future. The biggest problem so far has been getting it. States are therefore looking at how to...