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Tag: European Union

Poland refuses to close the Turów coal mine, although it faces...

Although Poland will pay a fine of 500,000 euros for each day of operation, the Turów coal mine will not stop mining. However, the European...

Retail in the EU and the euro area is weakening. It...

The volume of retail sales in the European Union and the euro area is slowly losing its breath. Year-on-year, it rose by more than three...

The number of new companies in the European Union increased the...

In the European Union, the number of new company registrations has reached its highest level in more than two years. And it is already at the pre-prediction level. This follows from current Eurostat data.

China’s emissions cap market is huge but inefficient, experts warn

The market for emission allowances in China has had almost a week of operation. But even after such a short period of time, some experts...

European tourism fell by 60 percent during the pandemic

Tourism in the European Union experienced practically the worst times since its inception during a coronavirus pandemic. The number of nights in accommodation facilities fell by more than 60 percent from last April to March this year.

European stocks pushed up energy stocks. They finished at record levels

The first trading day of the new week was marked by huge investment optimism in European stock markets. The pan-European stock index rose to an...

The European Commission is concerned about the market power of voice...

According to the European Commission, Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant pose a potential threat to competition in the European digital market. Regulators will continue to...

Retail trade in the European Union revived in March. Households spent...

European Union citizens left significantly more money in trade in March than a year ago. Retail sales rose 11.6 percent. Most went to the sale of...

The European Union has a plan for a rapid green transformation...

The plan envisages massive investments in low-carbon technologies, in which the state should also contribute financially. Both from European and national sources. The Union wants to be a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.

European stocks reacted embarrassingly to data on the development of the...

The pan-European STOXX 600 index fell slightly in the last trading in April. The positive financial results of the corporate sector were offset by the news of the economic downturn in the euro area, which would be slightly deeper than expected.