UK turns to coal as backup source for electricity generation

UK turns to coal as backup source for electricity generation

The UK is preparing for winter without enough power. It will therefore put the old coal-fired power plants on alert, which it will be ready to turn on in the state of greatest emergency. And this if the existing resources will not be enough.

Resources will only be used in case of emergency

Britain’s National Grid has signed a contract with electricity generators Drarx Group and EDF to extend the life of four blocks of coal-fired power stations and the eventual commissioning of two more power plants that provide electricity production precisely from coal.

However, the additional capacity will only be used if there is an emergency and existing sources will not be able to provide enough energy during the upcoming heating season. Thus, the resources put on alert will perform the function of sources of last resort.

The UK has insured itself for the winter

“Signed contracts will only be activated if all other options are exhausted,” representatives from Britain‘s transmission system operator told Reuters. The UK insured an additional installed capacity of 1940 megawatts for the coming winter. The state will pay between £220 million and £420 million for it. The contract expires at the end of March 2023.


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