The Jamal gas pipeline stopped supplying Russian gas to Germany. And the reverse was started

gas pipeline, natural gas

On Tuesday, Russian natural gas stopped flowing to Germany via the Yamal pipeline. Deliveries began to stalle over the weekend, when the pipeline supplied only about a tenth of the usual December capacity.

The Mallnow measuring point on the border between Poland and Germany began to show on Tuesday morning that the gas flow had changed direction. While the commodity normally flows from east to west, now the direction has turned. This means that there is no increase in Russian gas through the Jamal gas pipeline to Germany.

Russian mining giant Gazprom did not reserve any capacity for gas supplies to Europe via Jamal on Tuesday. And it is said that it supplies the commodity exactly according to its contractual obligations, the Reuters agency stated.

Gas supplies via pipelines to Germany via Belarus and Poland began to stagnate over the weekend. At first, they fell by about 75 percent on Saturday compared to Friday, another decline came on Sunday. The volume of gas supplied thus fell to about one tenth of the usual December capacity over the weekend.

The Kremlin rejects that it would like to put pressure on the European Union for the German regulator Bundesnetzagentur to issue a permit for the commissioning of the newly built Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as soon as possible. The price of gas rose on the Dutch market on Tuesday above 170 euros per megawatt-hour.


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