Photon Energy has commissioned another photovoltaic power plant in Romania

fotovoltaická elektrárna

Photon Energy has completed and connected to the grid another photovoltaic power plant in Romania with a production capacity of 7.5 MWp. The Faget 3 plant is the largest in the group’s portfolio of captive power plants so far, bringing the number of plants in operation to 100, the company said. The power plant is located near the village of Faget in the county of Timis.


“We are proud to have expanded our own portfolio of operated solar PV assets in Romania by an additional 7.5 MWp,” said Photon Energy Group CEO Georg Hotar. “Faget 3 has increased our Romanian portfolio to 12 power plants with a total installed capacity of 48.4 MWp, rounding up our own portfolio to an even 100 plants with a combined capacity of 140.3 MWp,” he added.

The company expects total annual power plant production to be around 11.1 gigawatt hours (GWh), equivalent to 7.9 percent of the group’s total PV portfolio’s production in 2023.

Photovoltaic services

Photon Energy provides a range of PV services in the Romanian market, from the development, design and construction of large-scale assets to the operation and maintenance of PV assets. It operates a wholesale business with premium photovoltaic components and offers turnkey energy solutions.

Photon Energy Group supplies solar energy and water treatment solutions. The company was founded in 2008 in Prague and is now headquartered in Amsterdam. Through its wholly owned subsidiary Lerta, the group has electricity trading licenses in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia.

Photon Energy N.V., the holding company for the Photon Energy Group, has shares on the Warsaw, Prague and Frankfurt stock exchanges and on Germany’s leading online trading platform XETRA. The company states on its website that it has offices in Australia and throughout Europe.

Source: ČTK


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