oil, tanker, rafinery, ropa, industry, petroleum, pumpjack, fuel

Oil is heading for $86. It is possible that the 100-dollar limit will soon...

The world oil market is dominated by fears of a shortage of black gold. A barrel of brent oil climbed to $ 86 on Tuesday. Texas...
mining, miner

Car manufacturers invest in more environmentally friendly lithium mining technologies

Within a year or two, lithium mining for the automotive industry could be based on more environmentally friendly technologies. The so-called direct extraction method is...
natural gas

Natural gas prices have reached a seven-year high. There could be a shortage in...

The global natural gas market is looking for its lost balance. While 2020 marked an unprecedented decline in demand for this important raw material, this...

A coup in Guinea pushes bauxite prices to an 18-month high. But mining is...

Political instability in an inconspicuous West African Guinea can have a major impact on the global balance of the aluminum market. The price of bauxite,...
OPEC, negotiation, Brent, oil demand, oil prices

OPEC’s oil production in August was the highest since last April

OPEC countries and their allies, led by Russia, estimate that oil market tensions will persist until the end of the year and oil reserves will remain low until May 2022.
oil rig

Oil is cheaping due to concerns about the spread of the delta variant of...

Brent crude oil was cheaping during Wednesday's trading. Her prize was dragged down by concerns about the effects of spreading a more contagious variant of...
battery, batteries

The Chinese battery manufacturer will introduce a new type of power supply. It will...

Contemporary Amberex Technology Limited (CATL) is working on a sodium-ion battery that will be able to replace the lithium-ion batteries to some extent. They should...
copper production

Copper will be cheaper. It is succeeding in increasing its supply on the market...

According to analysts, the price of copper should continue to fall. This is due to a decline in demand from speculators, as well as a growing supply of this metal on the market. Interest in copper is also dampened by fears of a new outbreak.
coffee, coffee price, Brazil

Coffee is rising sharply on world markets. Cold weather threatens crops in Brazil

The price of coffee continues to rise. While coffee has risen in price by almost a fifth last week, it added another 10 percent earlier this week. The global supply of coffee on the market is in danger of declining due to the unusually cold weather in Brazil.
copper production

The Chinese are investing heavily in increasing the extraction of copper and other raw...

One of China's largest miners has announced an investment in a project to increase copper production by 100,000 tons a year. The main reason is the expected growing demand for batteries for electric cars.