Even after The United States and China agreed to restart trade talks this Saturday —with President Trump offering concessions that included a cease in the introduction of new tariffs and a removal of the Chinese tech company, Huawei, from the US trade blacklist— Asian shares experienced another blow on Wednesday after Washington’s threats on new EU tariffs raise widespread concerns for global investors.
Even more so, global investor confidence has decreased after data published by several countries indicated a decrease in factory production worldwide. But shares have been most clearly impacted by fresh US tariffs on European goods, including products such as olives, Scotch Whiskey, and Italian cheese. Additionally, the concessions given by President Trump on Saturday in regards to Chinese trade imports —particularly those relating to Huawei— were unexpected, leaving both the American government scrambling to implemented this policy decisions and financial analysts unsure of what effect such concessions will leave on the Asian market.
Source: Reuter’s