55% Of US Investors Are Expected to Move Money Into Individual Stocks in Q4’22

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According to TradingPlatforms.com, 55 percent of US investors are anticipated to shift money into individual stocks in Q4’22. Speaking on the data, TradingPlatforms specialist, Edith Reads, said. “US investors are turning to stocks as the economy improves. They’re also anticipating a rise in interest rates, which is making stocks more attractive. However, it’s important to remember that the stock market is still volatile, and investors need to be cautious.”

She continued, “We always recommend that investors speak to a financial advisor before making any major changes to their portfolio. They can help you understand the risks involved and make sure you’re making the best decision for your individual circumstances.”

Although most investors move to individual stocks, 32% feel safe investing in ETFs. Only 10% of investors are buying the crypto dip, suggesting investors’ confidence in the virtual asset is low.

Who’s Likely to Boost Investment

Younger investors, such as millennials and Gen Zers, will likely increase their stock market portfolio. A sign that individuals are forming and maintaining healthy financial routines.

The older generation is the most likely to say they plan to reduce their stock holdings this year. However, this is probably due more to the advancing age at which they plan to retire. It is not a genuine concern about market volatility or inflation.

Even with Individual Stock, be Cautious!

Investing in various things might help spread out the risks you take. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. You might lower the risk and volatility of your investment returns without giving up too much potential benefit. Select the correct group of investments within an asset category.

When adding individual stocks to your portfolio, start slowly with a small number of shares. Review your stock selections periodically to ensure they meet your investment goals and that the company’s prospects have not changed.


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