Chile has the greatest potential for foreign investors in Latin America

Chile invest

In its study Global Opportunity Index 2021, the independent California economic think tank Milkem Institute emphasizes Chilean institutions’ friendliness towards foreign investors, but the country succeeded among the South American region in all measured categories, such as the country’s macroeconomic outlook, potential for future innovation and development, access to financial services or compliance with international standards.

In the annual evaluation, experts took into account a total of 96 factors and new variables, which evaluate the country’s progress towards the digital economy, including the percentage of households with Internet access, were also included.

“Chile’s best place in the South American region reflects its excellent results in various survey categories and especially the friendliness and transparency of local institutions towards foreign investors,” confirms Zdeněk Sobotka, founder of the Czech energy group Solek, one of the largest investors in the distributed energy sector. (PMGD).

The research analyzes 145 countries around the world. Within Latin America, Chile is followed by Uruguay, Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama. Compared to other developing economies, South America is doing well, especially in two main areas, which are a diverse and highly skilled workforce and the sophistication of financial systems.


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