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Tag: COVID-19

Irish airline Ryanair returned to profit last year thanks to a...

Irish low-cost airline Ryanair posted a net profit of 1.43 billion euros (33.9 billion kronor) in the last fiscal year after a loss of...

Digital Payments Still Surging; Total Transaction Value to Grow by 13%...

Even three years since COVID-19 triggered a boom in digital payments, the entire market continues surging, reaching a new record transaction value and more...

The easing of anti-covid measures in China will lead to a...

China appears to be changing its zero-tolerance strategy on covid, which could bring a revival in economic growth. However, according to experts, this should only...

Global Downloads of Fintech Apps Exceeded 6.1 Billion in 2021

Analysts from TradingPlatforms link the growth to COVID-19 and increased adoption of smartphones. "COVID-19 saw movements restricted, and physical transactions became impossible. Therefore, several...

China’s economy has almost come to a standstill. Recovery may not come...

Repeated lockdowns due to the re-spread of Covid-19 have brought the world's second-largest economy to the brink of recession. However, even the second half of...

Ukraine war has slowed post-covid economic recovery, says IMF

A military conflict in Ukraine will hit the economically developed countries the hardest (besides Ukraine and Russia). Their gross domestic product is expected to increase...

Coronavirus is once again disrupting global supply chains

Industrial companies around the world are starting to get into trouble with coronavirus again. The spread of the delta variant disrupts supply chains. The problems are exacerbated by the recent floods in Germany and central China.

European tourism fell by 60 percent during the pandemic

Tourism in the European Union experienced practically the worst times since its inception during a coronavirus pandemic. The number of nights in accommodation facilities fell by more than 60 percent from last April to March this year.

Oil cheaper amid fears of rising coronavirus epidemic in India

A barrel of Brent crude oil was trading at $66.5 on Tuesday, a nearly 1 percent discount from the previous day. Behind the price drop are fears of a rise in the coronavirus epidemic in India, which could weaken demand for black gold.

Demand for aviation gasoline shows signs of recovery

Air travel is slowly but surely beginning to revive in the United States. And with it, the demand for aviation fuel. The head of a U.S. oil processing company told Reuters.