The so-called stresstests of Germany’s electricity grid showed that Germany should extend the life of at least two of the three nuclear reactors it still has in operation. And at least for the end of this year.
Germany prepares to halt Russian gas supplies
The stress tests were carried out by operators of Germany’s electricity transmission system, testing how another escalation of the gas crisis between the West and Russia would affect it. German power plants currently use natural gas to generate electricity from about 15 percent. Therefore, if there were to be a restriction or cessation of gas supplies from Russia, someone would have to replace their outage if the Russian supply outage could not be replaced immediately.
It is necessary to focus on the state of nuclear reactors
And it turns out that without extending the life of nuclear reactors, it would be quite difficult for Germany. Conversely, such a move is almost vital to managing this winter from Germany’s perspective. And even though Germany has already declared a savings plan, limiting the supply of energy would not have to occur precisely because of the core. Germany has put nuclear power on the sidelines after the nuclear accident at Japan’s Fukushima plant.