The International Energy Agency (IEA) believes that the only way to meet global climate goals is to capture and store carbon dioxide. It is said that such technology needs to be extended to as many countries in the world as possible.
The number of countries looking to achieve carbon neutrality by the middle of this century is growing. From this strategy, they promise to fulfill the commitments of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. However, according to experts from the International Energy Agency, it is necessary for the world to capture at least 800 million tons of carbon dioxide per year by 2030. That’s about twenty times the current volume.
To this end, it will be necessary to invest at least $ 160 billion in “capture” technologies over the next ten years. So about ten times more than in the previous decade. “If we do not do so, we can say goodbye to our climate goals because they will not be achieved,” IEA chief Fatih Birol said in a statement. This year alone, around 30 carbon capture projects have been announced, with governments and businesses planning to invest almost $ 4 billion in them. According to Birol, this is a good achievement, but it is necessary to continue this effort.