Markets in War Time: The Most Demanded Trading Instrument is Oil

The most traded instrument at the moment is oil.

Following our January interview with Shadiq Zameen, Vice President of Golden Brokers Dubai, we wanted to learn whether the expansion of online trading has continued even after the conflict has broken up in Ukraine, implying ‘the world economic war’, and how the market was effected.

Not so long after we have discussed how important the personal client relations are in the era of technology, Forex Traders Summit saw Golden Brokers receiving also prestigious award for Best customer service. What do you think was the main reason for choosing your company by the traders?

You have just actually mentioned it. We have been responding to the growing demand of clients, investors and traders for first class customer services provided in person, which are still needed in the era of moving finances to the online world.

Though our office in Dubai still smells new, we have a well-established business already and trading through our platform grows immensely. Golden Brokers’ presence at the Forex Traders Summit 2022 really helped our prospective clients to get to know us better.

Is your team expanding as well?

Yes. We are recruiting dedicated professionals. For example, we have recently onboarded one of the top financial analysts, Mr. Muhammad Zulbahri Mohd Rajdi, who is specialised in FX trading, fundamental and technical analysis. He is an alumnus of International Islamic University, Malaysia, where he has graduated with Master’s degree in finance.

Due to the war, turbulent times in markets continue. What are the current trends in daily trading?

Of course, traders follow closely consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine, including economic sanctions on financial and capital markets. The impact is strong, for example, on European stocks, especially the energy sector. Due to the two-way effect of CFD market, which means that you can also invest with an expectation of decline of the underlying asset, investors are actively trading both sides to make the most of the current situation.

What are currently major assets we should be aware of if we are interested in trading online?

The most traded instrument at the moment is oil. Oil has been very volatile ever since the war broke out.

Another phenomenon is gold: as the saying goes, ‘Gold is God’s currency’. Our traders closely monitor the current worldwide inflation trends and the policies implemented by governments to curb this, normally it involves increasing or decreasing the financial flow, which has a direct impact on gold.

Other highly traded instruments include natural gas, tech stocks and indices.


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